Workplace Resilience: Building Confidence and Mental Strength


Is your inner critic, that pesky negative voice in your head, trash-talking your efforts? Are you noticing imposter syndrome, a feeling like you're not good enough and your colleagues or team will soon find out and be disappointed in you? Do you find yourself wishing you said the right thing in a meeting instead of what actually occurred? Or, are you hiding in your comfort zone, hesitant to take professional risks?

Join the club because you are not alone – and you can proactively address all of these areas through mental strength development. Building your mental strength empowers you to become the best version of yourself in the workplace. Mental strength training addresses four professional areas: confidence, control, commitment and challenge. You will gain practical tools that enable you to reduce your fear of failure, step outside your comfort zone, and set (and crush) “challenge” goals. This course will serve as your guide to throw out that inner critic, reframe your mindset and get out of your own way.

Who Should Enroll: 
  • Emerging leaders and those aspiring to leadership roles
  • Early career managers and team leads
  • Professionals who have recently started a new position or gone through a career transition
  • Professionals seeking to increase their stamina for career challenges and growth
Learning Outcomes: 
  • Deepen self-confidence and overcome doubt, insecurity and fears.
  • Reframe your approach to failure and discomfort in order to perform better in the workplace.
  • Cultivate professional resilience, and cope with stress in productive ways.
  • Adapt to changing circumstances with flexible thinking and sustained focus.
  • Approach challenges as opportunities instead of threats.
Continuing Education Hours: 
Continuing Education Units: .65 CEUs

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