Communicating Clearly: Effective Business Correspondence


Today’s organizations depend on a wide variety of written communications⸺from short messages (texting, Slack, Discord) to longer ones (emails) to massive ones (proposals and reports). Communicating clearly is a challenge and the results of not communicating clearly can be costly in terms of time and money: mistakes, misunderstandings and endless rounds of clarification.

In this seminar, attendees will learn principles of communicating clearly and concisely so they can minimize mistakes and misunderstandings. Using proven techniques, you will try your hand at improving communications from within your own organization. You will diagnose problems at different levels, learn strategies for addressing those problems, revise the communications based on solid principles and test your work on each other.

Who Should Enroll: 
  • Managers and supervisors who have difficulty communicating with their employees.
  • New project managers, executive assistants, and marketing and communications professionals.
  • Anyone seeking to improve their business writing skills: clarity, style, and organization.
  • Anyone in other roles responsible for communicating frequently on behalf of their organizations.
Learning Outcomes: 
  • Understand clear style at the sentence, paragraph and document levels.
  • Customize communication style to the needs of specific audiences.
  • Master strategies for informing, instructing and persuading.
  • Organize correspondence so that readers can understand it, navigate it and take the next step.
Continuing Education Hours: 
Continuing Education Units: .65 CEUs
Additional Information: 

Please bring an actual piece of correspondence from your organization that you found unclear or ineffective. (The worse it is, the better.) This correspondence could be an email, short document or social media post.

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