Marilyn Orr

Marilyn Orr, MA, CEC, PCC, is a leadership and mentor coach with Capacity Building Coaching and a training partner on EQ-i 2.0 with Multi-Health Systems Inc. She holds her Professional Certified Coach designation with the International Coach Federation (ICF). She started what is now the ICF Atlantic Canada chapter, and recently completed a 2-year presidency of the ICF Charter Chapter of Greater Austin, Texas. For the past 15 years Marilyn has supported the growth and transformation of thousands of individuals and a large number of organizations across the United States and Canada. As a highly intuitive extrovert Marilyn brings a lightness and freedom to the work she does with clients. Marilyn wrote and published the workbook “How Absorbent Are Your Shocks? - Everyday Resiliency Tools.”

Marilyn has volunteered on many non-profit boards in addition to the roles with the ICF. These include for a chronic mental illness activity center, Chamber of Commerce, and as a non-profit education committee chair for a volunteer center.

Currently Marilyn is engaged in creating collaborative opportunities with a variety of businesses in Wimberley, TX to effectively offer wellness services for  organizations, individuals and couples.

Before moving to central Texas in 2014, Marilyn lived and worked in Canada.


Marilyn earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology at the University of Toronto and a master’s degree in counseling from Providence Theological Seminary in Otterburne, Manitoba, before completing a graduate certificate in executive coaching and advanced study in mentor coaching at Royal Roads University in Victoria, British Columbia.

Photo of Marilyn Orr